Angličtina pro SŠ - příprava k maturitě

Kroužek Angličtina pro SŠ je určen pro studenty od 15 let, který je zaměřený na dovednosti požadované u maturitní zkoušky z AJ - konverzace, didaktický test.
Témata ke zkoušce:

1. Personal Identification
I. Personal characteristics
II. Describing a body/face
III. My best friend/ my ideal partner description

2. Free Time and Entertainment
I. Various hobbies and leisure time
II. Purpose of entertainment and leisure time
III.Active and passive activites
My daily activities
I. My daily routine,
II. Types of sports
III. Sports equipment
IV. Sports in the Czech Republic and the English speaking countries
V. Sport in my life

3. Everyday Life
My daily routine
Daily activities at home
Other daily activities
Typical weekend

4. My Family
What is family
Nuclear family, extended family

5. Shopping and Lifestyle
I. Types of shops, online shopping
II. Money – credit cards, loans, mortgages
III. Fashion – types of clothes and accessories, materials, patterns
IV. At the shop
V. Shopping and me

6. Health and Hygiene
I. Human body – parts
II. Typical diseases and illnesses, symptoms
III. Medical care – at the doctor´s
IV. My experience

7. Friends and Relationships
What is relationship
Formal relationships
Informal relationships
Healthy relationship

8. My School and Education
I. Educational systems in the Czech Republic, the UK and the USA
II. My school experience – people and problems
III. My school projects
IV. Learning foreign languages

9. Holidays and Festivals
1. Public Holidays and festivals
2. Holidays and festivals in Czech republic
3. Holidays and festivals in GB
4. Holidays and festivals in USA
5. Comparing, similarities, differencies
6. My faviourite festival, holiday, our customs
7. Easter, Christmas, New Year, Halloween, Valentine´s day)

10.Food and Gastronomy
I. Meals of the day
II. Food and drinks
III. Typical Czech cuisine and the cuisines of the English speaking countries
IV. My favourite recipe
V. Going to the restaurant, parts of the menu, my experience

12.Customs and Traditions
I. What are customs
II. Why do we keep them
I. Origins of customs
II. Worldwide customs
III. Customs in Czech republic

13.Housing and Living
I. Types of housing
II. Typical equipment of each room
III. Life in the city and in the country
IV. My dream house/flat

14.Travelling and Transport
I. Types of travelling
II. Means of transport
III. Advantages + disadvantages
IV. Types of accommodation
V. Preparation for a journey
VI. Typical problems when you travel
VII. My experience

15.Fashion and Clothes

16.Environment and Nature
I. Geography and nature
II. Typical habitats of the CR and the English speaking countries
III. Weather
IV. Global issues
V. The environment and me

17.Means of Communication
I. Definition of mass media
II. Types of media and
III. types of newspapers
IV. My favourite medium
V. Media in everyday life

18.Work and Profession
I. Work vs. job
II. Reasons to work
III. Types of jobs
IV. Applying for a job
V. My part-time job
VI. My future job

I. Definition
II. Difference between state and private services, kinds of services
III. Services in the place where I live
IV. My own experience

20.Weather and Climate
I. What is weather x What is Climate
II. Types of weather
III. Weather forecast
Weather in Czech republic

Základní informace




Angličtina pro SŠ - příprava k maturitě

Místo konání

DDM Žatec

Hlavní vedoucí

Ing. Vladimír Hajný

Věková skupina

15-20 let

Vybavení na akci

přezůvky, psací potřeby, sešit

V ceně zahrnuto

lektor, pojištění, materiál

Datum zahájení


Datum ukončení


Dny konání

PO 16:30-17:30

Volná místa

Poslední 2 místa


600 Kč


600 Kč


1 200 Kč

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